
Friday, July 17, 2009

Blogging tips on having a successful blog

Important tips to having a successful blog

After developing a nice blog site you have to have traffic to be successful in getting your word or message out to the general public. This is the main points you always have to keep in mind.

1)The saying that content is king is so true. This is why people come to your site and why they will return and tell others about it. They want original content that is timely and answers a question or amuses them in some form.

2)Readers want fresh content and will quickly quit coming if they see nothing new on the site. On a new site it means posting every day. When you have a lot of content it can be spaced more. They want to follow a blog that has something new and interesting in it for them.

3)Engage other bloggers in blogging communities and enter communities that specialize in your area of expertise. This is a great way to pick up new readers. It is also a great way to learn what readers are looking for. It is also a great feeling to have readers list you on their blog rolls.

4)It is always important to post with a certain style and tone to your work. The readers want to feel comfortable and expect you to be the same every time they come. They soon expect you to be like a friend they can find predictable.

5)Think about search engines and seo when you post. The keywords you want to capture have to be repeated on every post. It is good to have those keywords in front of you every time you post. This is what is going to get you found in the search engines.

To be successful you have to put in the time. If you want readers you have to love reading other blogs. People love to return the favor of a great comment on their site. Learn to explore other sites and you will have many new ideas for your own site as well as having fun along the way.

Johnny Ray

1 comment:

  1. Helpful advice! Thank you! I'll be following you...Laurie
