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By: TJ Philpott
When writing a blog post it is important to remember our readers expect to be entertained and informed. Of equal importance is the format in which the content is presented to them. An easy to read layout that doesn't mince words is usually preferred.
Here are 6 tips to keep in mind when posting:
1) Get to the Point
Every post you do should have a specific reason. You're writing to convey information or express your opinion on something. Get to it and let your readers know how you feel or what information you may have that could be of interest or benefit to them and how. We're not writing a novel with the intent to keep readers in suspense and string them along.
2) Maintain your personality
Blogging allows you to express yourself or impart information in your own unique style of delivery. This is what makes it so entertaining to many readers and this is many times why they subscribe to your blog. Let your personality shine thru since this will be what makes you stand apart from all the other bloggers. Whether it may be sarcasm, wit, enthusiasm, or a more analytical and to the point delivery your readers have chosen your blog for its information and also the way it is presented to them. Don't lose sight of this, continue to be you.
3) Be consistent
This is important both in style and subject matter. You've picked a particular niche to speak about and have attracted avid readers due to their interest in this subject. Do veer off onto other unrelated issues or topics for any significant period of time or you will confuse and lose your readers.
Your writing style also needs to be consistent. As we spoke of earlier, readers were in part attracted to your blog for your particular and unique style of delivering your opinion and/or information. If it ain't broke don't fix it!
4) Write Attention Grabbing Headlines
Your headlines can be controversial, cynical, or humorous. Write them in such a way that your subscribers will be curious as to what you're referring or why you may be referring to something in a certain way. Play on their emotions; shock, humor, sympathy, or even intrigue will generally catch their attention compelling them to read more.
5) Reader friendly format
When blogging present your content in an easy to read fashion. By using bullet points or numerical listings you have enabled subscribers and visitors alike to easily follow along or even refer back to particular portions of the content. This type of layout is also easier on the eyes due to the spacing involved with a listing format as opposed to words and sentences that seem to run together in a paragraph type of formatting.
6) Optimize your post with keywords
By correctly using keywords within your content you will make it easier for the search engines to find your content so it can be displayed in their search results for anyone looking for information related to what you've posted on.
So remember next time you're writing a blog post be yourself and keep in mind what both your readers and the search engines would like to see. This way everyone wins!
About the Author
TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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Article Source: - 6 Useful Tips to Remember When Writing a Blog Post
How to Start Blogging - Steps for becoming a Blogger
1) Find your Niche – Now when I saw this Tip, I didn’t even knew what’s a niche. What it means to me is your interests. For Eg. -My Blog Realtrix is about Internet & Web and Computing Stuff. Similarly you should find your Interest about what you are going to Blog about. Some Ideas I think you can be blogging about are Blogging, Computing, Tech, Motivation, Entrepreneurship, Music, Bollywood, Parental, Personal & Education.
2) Find which Blogging SW you are going to Use – The are many. The most Popular is WordPress & Blogger. Lets be straight Wordpress is much better than Blogger. BUT is better as it not 100% free. Hence, Blogger is the Best Option. I am using Blogger as Its highly Customizable. Also Blogger is a part of Google Services.
3) How to Start & what to write – Before making your own blog see what other Bloggers are doing and writing about on the same topic you are going to write about. Then make a list of Stuff they are not Writing about but you think should be written about. Now you know what to write about in your Blog.
Tip : If you are a regular reader you might have seen that I use Images for every Post I write. So you can start collecting Photos for your Blog Post in advance.
4) Starting Your Blog – Check Out the Video here to know how to Get a Free Blog at Blogger.Com. Set Up the Blog there following the Video Tips. Read : How to Create a BlogSpot Blog for Free ? – Video Guide For Beginners
5) Search Engine Optimization – This is very Important when Starting a Blog… See Below “Tips for New Bloggers”
6) What Template to Choose and Where to find Them – Your blog Template, I think is one of the Factors which will keep bringing back Visitors. I means think it this way if you see a very Nice Looking Blog … Don’t you try to remember it and Go back to See what's new going On there ??
Best Tips for New Bloggers
Do you want to increase traffic to your blog? Well, here are some ready tips to make a move in the world of success blogging. Get started with the following tips that make your task easy. Some of the Easiest Ways to Improve your Blog, SEO and its Traffic/Visitors.
Also Read : How to Boost Blog Traffic - Must Read
About the Author:Debajyoti Das is an Engineering Student who loves Technology & Web 2.0 .He is a Blogger at . You can see details there.
Article Source: - How to Start Blogging - Tips for New Bloggers
Here, I'm going to make them as simple as possible, as straight forward as possible. So here are The Ultimate Blogging Tips :
1. Simple Blog Design
I believe you've heard this phrase before, "Simply The Best". So you got it, make your blog as simple as possible. The only thing you should pay more attention to is your content. Write something that is very informative and you will eventually get the traffic you wish for. If your blog design is too complicated, most of the visitors will feel messy about your blog then you will waste your traffic. Plain simple design will be the best.
2. Your Content Is King
Always remember this. In blogging sphere, content is the most important ingredient if you want to success in blogs. Why are people visits your blog? Because your blog has got information they're looking for. If you don't have anything that can attract visitors, then there will be no reasons for them to come to your blog. Here is what you can do about your content. Try to use a appearing colour for your content compare with all the other words outside of your content. You want to make your content easy to read and stand out. Dull font options will make your visitors difficult to read. This is especially true if your post is very long and full of words. Visitors are not going to read something that is very long and difficult to read. So you get my point here.
3. Use Less Techie Widgets
Its nice to have a high tech widget stay in your sidebar. But if they're too much, then your visitors might attracted to them and follow the link to other sites. This is what you don't want. Besides that, using too much high tech widgets will make your blog loads slower. Again, you may lost visitors due to this reason. It is not that you can't use any of them, but my suggestion is, use less. Don't let your widgets eat up your traffic.
4. Make Your Blog As Professional As Possible
You can achieve this via many ways. One of them is use a standard font size and colour for all the words in your blog. For example, use blue colour to indicate links. In the world of internet, everyone knows that blue means link. As for your title and sub title, you can also standardized the colour. Do not use all different colour, they will look confusing and unprofessional.
5. Repeat Your Best Posts
You may want to repeat your best post, but in a different manner. I'm not asking you to repost the same thing exactly. You can stress back again with your best post in your blog. Some visitors might miss your best post. You want people to read about your best right, so this will be it. However, don't keep on doing this though. Or else your visitors may think that you don't have any other topics to write.
So here are all the tips for now. To your success.
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If you don’t act on this information today you may never get the opportunity to take this life changing step again. Just follow the link and start your new life today!
Article Source: - Blogging Tips - the Ultimate Blogging Tips
6. Always Ping After Posting
This is what you need to do after every posts. Remember, always ping your blog. This is to make sure that search engine spider will always crawl your blog after you've updated it. Search engines like sites that are always updated. Therefore you must 'ask' the crawler to crawl your blog regularly. This will also help you improve your ranking in search engine. A site which always updated is will rank higher than a site that seldom update. This will also help you tell your subscribed readers that you've publish a new post. You can ping your blog here at Ping-o-Matic!
7. On Page optimization
You can do this very easily. You can bold of italic your keywords that you want to optimize for in every of your posts. This is a strategy to that can help you increase your ranking in search engine. For example, if you are targeting keywords like make more money online, then you can bold those words. Just like what I did here in my blog. Although on page optimization is less
important than off page optimization (Number of links). But on page optimization still is a factor that will affect your search engine ranking. This is a very simple step that you can take. So be sure to bold or italic your keywords in your blog content. There are still many other on page optimization you could do, but this is for now.
8. Update Your Blog Regularly
I believe you've heard this over and over again. But since this is also consider as a blogging tips, so I included it here in The Ultimate Blogging Tips. You know, a blog is something like a diary, just that it is in electronic form. A diary is something that you should write down everyday, so goes for blogs. You should always publish new posts in your blog. The best is everyday, but if you're busy, then go for at least 5 posts a week. This is what most people do with their blogs, post regularly. If you don't have any topics to write on, simply use the search engines or any article directories to look for your topics. But don't copy other people's content. Just the rough idea, and write with your own words.
9. Include An "About" Section
I've stress about this in my previous post, 10 Common Blogging Mistakes. In fact, all the points in that post can be insert here. Why do you need an "About" section? Very simple, you want your readers to know more about you. And if you're promoting products in your blog, a brief profile of yourself will definitely increase the credibility of your blog and products. Readers and visitors will trust your products more if they know more about you, right? By the way, you can consider including your photo in your blog as well. I'm going to make this short, because you can read the rest here, in 10 Common Blogging Mistakes.
10. Use Simple Language
A blog is site, a more user-friendly site. And if you tell your friends about your blog, the first thing goes into their mind is that they will think that your blog is about your personal life. Most people don't know that blogs can be use for money making purposes. So, what I'm going to tell you is that, because content will be your main reason why visitors coming to your blog. Therefore you should have a friendly content, write using simple language. You want to be friend with your readers, and not those buyers-sellers relation. Don't make your blog too formal, a warm friendly feeling blog is a good blog. So you get me, write in plain language just like you always talk to your friends. It will be even better if you can write in those language that a 7 year-old child can understand you. This will make sure that your readers understand what you're going to tell them.
Well, these are the tips for The Ultimate Blogging Tips (Part 2). I hope that all these tips here are going to help you in your blogs. To your success.
Learn how to Make Money Online, live a Millionaire lifestyle in no time. Get all Free Tips Making Money Online here,
If you don’t act on this information today you may never get the opportunity to take this life changing step again. Just follow the link and start your new life today!
Article Source: - Blogging Tips - the Ultimate Blogging Tips (part 2)